2024 Collection
"Ferns" 18"x 24" Acrylic on canvas (Available)
"The Garden" 18" x 36" x 1.5" Acrylic on canvas (Available)
"Arboreal #1" 24"x 20" Acrylic and oil on canvas (Sold)
"Arboreal #2" 20" x 24" Acrylic and oil on canvas (Available)
"Windy Day" 11" x 14" Acrylic on canvas (Available)
"Unrequieted" 16" x 20" Acrylic on canvas (framed) (Available)
"Forest Buddha" 15"x 30" Acrylic on canvas (Available)
"Autumn Light" 14" x 11" Acrylic on canvas (Sold)
"Coastal" 36" x 12" Acrylic on canvas (Available)
"Coastal Study #3" 14" x 11" Acrylic on canvas (Available)
"Coastal Study #1" Acrylic on canvas 12" x 6" (Private collection)
"Exhaltation" 12" x 6" Acrylic and oil on canvas (Available)
"Coastal Study #2" 6" x 12" Acrylic on canvas (Sold)
"Hera" 36" x 18" Acrylic on canvas (Sold)
"Sunny Day" 12" x 24" x 1.5" Oil on cradled board (Available)
"The Wind" 12" x 24" Acrylic on cradled board (Available)
"Young Pegasus" 24" x 12" Acrylic and oil on cradled board (Available)
"Inspiration - Muse of the Forest" 18"x 14" Acrylic and oil on cradled panel (framed) (Sold)
"Light Minutes #1" 16" x 20" Acrylic and oil on canvas (Available)
"Little Green" 12"x12" Acrylic and oil on canvas (Available)
"Rhea" 30" x 24" Oil on canvas (Sold)
"Little Worlds" (Choral - F Minor) 18"x 14" Acrylic and oil on cradled panel (framed) (Sold)
"Chordal (Little Worlds, Major key) 18"x 14" Acrylic and oil on cradled panel (framed) (Sold)
"Hera Study (Monochrome)" 24"x 12" Acrylic on paper (Available)
"Hera Study" 24"x 12" Acrylic on paper (Available)
"Dichromatic #1" 18"x 24" Acrylic on paper (Available)
"Monochromatic #1" 18"x 24" Acrylic on paper (Available)
"Monochromatic #2" 18"x 24" Mixed media on paper (Available)
"Daphne" 24" x 12" Acrylic on board, framed (Sold)
"Eos" 24" x 12" Acrylic on board (framed) (Sold)
"The Oracle" 15" x 30" Acrylic on canvas (framed) (Sold)
"Persephone" 12" x 24" Acrylic on board, framed (Available)
"The Elusive Artemis" 30" x 15" Acrylic and oil on canvas, framed (Private Collection)
"Tapestry" 36" x 18" Mixed media on canvas (Sold)
"Young Telemachus" 20" x 16", framed Acrylic and oil on canvas (Available)
"Monochromatic Epiphytes" 12" x 12" Acrylic on canvas (Available)
"Cedar and Fir" 36" x 18" Mixed Media (Available)
"Teal Light" 12"x 24" Acrylic and oil on canvas (Available)
"Interwoven" 36" x 18" Mixed media on canvas (Available)
:Trillium" 24" x12" x 1" Mixed media on cradled board (Available)
"Golden Snag" 24"x 12"x 1" Mixed media, framed (Available)
"Growing" 24"x 12" Mixed media, framed
"Water Table #2" 12" x 24" Collage on paper, framed (Available)
"Interior #2" 24"x 12" Mixed media on paper, framed (Available)
"Garden of Earthly Delights" 40" x 30" Mixed media collage, framed (Available)
"Sparkly Dirt" 6" x 12" x .5" Mixed media on canvas (Available)
"Opening" 16" x 20" Mixed media on canvas (Available)